YALO sales desk

Streamline human agent Sales and Support on WhatsApp

Sell and provide valuable service to customers, with Yalo’s easy to use, customizable and intuitive CRM Commerce solution for digital teams.
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Superior Customer experience

Ensure a seamless customers’ journey with Yalo Sales Desk's native integration into your existing conversational commerce ecosystem.

Turn support agents into revenue generators

Empower your agents to handle customer inquiries and simultaneously identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities.

Less expensive than alternatives

Quick implementation time + a scalable pricing model that allows you to pay only for what you need.

Real-time collaboration

Transform your team's communication and collaboration with our enterprise-grade solution, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency.

Improved communication and collaboration

Collaborate internally more effectively with internal chats among agents.

Increased team efficiency

Reduce turn around time and effort needed to reply to customer, communicating internally with other agents.

Enhanced data security

Protect sensitive customer data exchanged via WhatsApp, with a secure storage and access controls features.

Greater visibility and transparency

Gain visibility into customer interactions and ticket progress, helping team members stay informed and work together more effectively.

Admin Panel for Managers

With the ability to easily manage chats and define performance parameters, your managers will have the tools they need to drive success.

Simplify Managers Tasks

Oversee and optimize team performance in a simple view.

Measure and tracking

Track key metrics and identify areas for improvement in your teams.

Increased communication

Easily communicate with your agents within the platform, ensuring better communication and collaboration within the team.

Customizable chat parameters

Set goals and benchmarks for agents, defining their working parameters and performance thresholds.

Supervision made easy

Monitor customer interactions with just a few clicks, to ensure high-quality service to customers.

Simplified User Interface for agents

Keep all of your conversations organized and accessible in one place, allowing your agents to focus on closing deals and delivering excellent customer service.

Enhanced user experience

Easily navigate and answer chats, leading to a more positive agent experience.

Increased adoption

Quickly adapt to the platform user-friendly interface can, with proven greater adoption and more comprehensive data capture.

Improved efficiency

Complete tasks more quickly and efficiently, easily finding all the information and features you need in no time.

Reduced training time

Benefit from this straightforward interface that requires less training and onboarding, saving time and resources.

Greater accessibility

Sales Desk accessible interface addapts to team members with different levels of technical expertise, being more inclusive and enabling more team members to contribute.
"Sales Desk is very good, extremely user-friendly, very intuitive and very complete at the same time. Congratulations on the new solution“
Victor Pesoa
Market Sr. at PepsiCo Brazil
”As a Customer Service Manager, having the ability to tag conversations and generate reports using tags as filters helps me understand the need for resources in specific areas. I now have visibility into where I should allocate more or fewer agents."
Daniel Martins
Unit Manager at WDC Networks
”It is user friendly, besides optimizing our time. It allows us to operate in an agile way”
Alisson Maria
Human Agent at PepsiCo Brazil

Grow your sales with Yalo

Ready to get started? Schedule a personal demo and let us show you how Yalo Conversational Commerce Platform can help you.
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